Acutest`s `no time to test` service helped edeus to fast launch

Released on = December 9, 2006, 10:48 am

Press Release Author = Acutest

Industry = Financial

Press Release Summary = Software testing company Acutest helped specialist mortgage
lender edeus launch their technology-enabled business quickly and successfully using
their risk-based \'no time to test' service.

Press Release Body = Independent testing consultancy Acutest has contributed to a
successful launch of specialist mortgage lender edeus, whose business proposition is
dominated by technology.
With their use of online applications and processes, edeus is challenging the speed
of processing in the mortgage industry. Acutest was brought in to ensure that the
systems and processes work from end to end.
John Nixon, Chief Operating Officer at edeus, says: "Our expert systems are
extremely complex and the Acutest consultants quickly got to grips with them. Their
approach ensured we made best use of the testing time available and fitted well with
our agile implementation approach. Initial trading has been extremely brisk and the
proposition has been very well received.\"
Acutest director, Tom Norris, says: "We've evolved our no time to test services with
the experience we've gained in helping new businesses launch, particularly
organisations such as edeus, who are set to be a mayor player in their market. There
is no time for false starts or stopping to strategise: you need to know what to do
and do it. We place a strong emphasis on bringing testers, suppliers, users and the
business together to get the testing done quickly."
Nixon adds: "edeus are now focusing on the future and planning a series of new
services and products to meet the market needs. Acutest has also built us an
automated regression test suite that allows testing the impact of change quickly. We
are delighted with the results Acutest was able to provide us with."

--- Ends ---

About Acutest

Acutest is an independent consultancy that focuses solely on testing software,
business processes, and IT, with the goal of helping businesses achieve the benefits
of their technology-enabled change faster.

This means:

Reducing the cost of change
This covers both the overall cost of the full development lifecycle and the cost of
all the testing activities, such as performance testing or user acceptance testing

Increasing the speed of change
This covers reducing the elapsed time spent testing and the time spent on remedial
work and operational maintenance

Improving the governance of change
This is achieved through better business alignment of testing and better management
information from the testing activities throughout the projects and programmes.

About edeus

edeus mortgage creators Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial
Services Authority (Register number 450426). Registered Office Address 2 Charter
Court, Wolverhampton Business Park, Wolverhampton WV10 6TB. Registered in England
with Company No. 05720173.
Chief Executive Officer Michael Bolton, Chief Operating Officer John Nixon, Managing
Director Alan Cleary and key officers of the company have many years' experience of
the mortgage market, having previously worked at several lending institutions. Most
recently, Bolton, Nixon and Cleary were at HBOS's specialist lending unit BM
Solutions, where they were instrumental in growing gross lending from £2.5 billion
in 2001 to over £13 billion in 2004, grabbing over 20% of the overall specialist
lending market.

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Contact Details = For further information please contact:

Wendy Svirakova
PR Manager
Tel: 01902 623406


PR Manager
Blackwell House,
Guildhall Yard,
London, EC2V 5AE.
Tel: 0207 917 2838

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